Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Team Girls Gone Riding Newsletter #3


Feb. 21st First-Ever All-Woman's Ride -- Thank you!
Bike MS Kick-Off Ride - Feb. 28
Fundraising Tips
Volunteer needed for Bike ms Round-Up Ride
Dates ahead
Want to ride another all-women's ride? Info on Little Red Riding Hood ride, Utah, FYI

First-Ever All Women's Girls Gone Riding ride
Our ride went well last weekend. I received some good feedback about the route and other details that will come in handy when we do it again next year.

Thank you to all who participated. I will be turning the money in on Saturday at the Kick-Off so someone in our group will be eligible to win the prizes (I am not eligible...:+) but my team is)

Bike MS Kick-Off Ride -- Hope you can join us for a fun ride, breakfast and chances at prizes.

More than 125 people have rsvp'd about Saturday's kick-off ride and breakfast. Ride and connect with others doing the Bike MS ride in March at the Bike MS Round-Up Ride Kick-Off Ride and Party.

The event will be held beginning at Discount Tire headquarters in Scottsdale beginning at 8:30 a.m. The ride will be held first, breakfast will be offered thanks to Discount Tire to follow. It's a great opportunity to do a Saturday ride and then ride again on Sunday, back to back rides. There are two routes: 17-mile and 35-mile routes.

Breakfast is being served compliments of the great people at Discount Tire Co.! Hope you'll join me.

Here's the address:
20225 N. Scottsdale Road
Scottsdale, AZ

Fundraising Tips:

Many of you have been successful in raising your money via email. A few of us have done some of our own fundraisers.

Emails and letter-writing campaigns work well. They work especially well if you tell your story.

Congratulations to our team for raising $500 in the women's ride. Don't forget about our BBQ on March 14th. You will be receiving an evite in a separate email. Please forward along to your friends and family to attend this fun chance for us all to get to know one another and also raise some cash!

Volunteers are needed for Bike ms Round-Up Ride:

The National MS Society is in need of hundreds of volunteers for the weekend of March 28-29th. If you know of individuals, schools, groups or companies who might be interested, please contact jvalencia@aza.nmss.org. Jacqueline will be able to help the interested folks. OR volunteers may register on the bike MS website. Here's the link:


Little Red Riding Hood ride, June 6

One of our teammates, Connie Roubinet, has let me know about a very successful all-women's ride on June 6th in Salt Lake City, UT. I have decided to do this ride instead of the PA MS ride this year as my parents have decided to visit in May.

If you are interested in this ride, registration is open until May 23rd but is cut off after they reach 2600 WOMEN! WOW. I hope to learn a lot from these folks to help build our women's ride for next year. If you are interested, please pop me an email.

Here is the registration information:


Hope we can get a group of Girls Gone Riding to head there!

Upcoming Dates:

Feb. 28, Bike ms Kick-Off, Ride, Food and Fun! Discount Tire Headquarters, Scottsdale
March 14, Cabernet, Blues and BBQ BARBICURE, Sheryl's house.
March 28-29, Bike MS Round-Up Ride 2009!
June 6 Little Red Riding Hood ride, Salt Lake City, UT

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