Tuesday, February 5, 2013

We're IN! GGR heads to Little Red, again

It's been about four years since my cycling sistah, Rebecca, and I travelled to Logan, Utah to ride in the Little Red Riding Hood, All-Women ride. I remember that year (2009)  because it was a busy one and it was also the first time I rode 100 miles.

I also found the blogpost after the trip http://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=8756245212773654749#editor/target=post;postID=9017476828798771129

I am thrilled to be going back with Rebecca and hopefully, some others. There's nothing like a road trip to ride some awesome bicycles in a fun place.

On Feb. 23, 100+ women will ride in the Girls Gone Riding All-Women ride here in Arizona. It's the fifth year we've done it and while it has not reached the heights of Little Red, it's still a fun day of girl power.

This year, the event benefits Brett Saks Foundation, Aid To Women Center and Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. $10 of every registration fee goes to help these charities and then the women may choose to fundraise to earn socks or a jersey. This year, I'm proud of the GGR new jersey.

Join us at Windmill Winery on Saturday, Feb. 23, to ride with a group of great women. You'll have a great time and even meet some new friends to ride with.

Register right now here.

We'd love to see you!

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