Do you ever have issues with your neck, hamstrings, shoulders or back when you are on your bike for long hours or are riding four or five days a week? Well, I do.
I have developed creaks and snaps that are often calmed a little by massages or chiropractic adjustments but preventing these seems to be the key. And, an elusive element.
I wonder why yoga has not been linked more frequently to cycling. The stretching and lengthening of muscles is not only healthy for your body all the way around, but it just plain feels good. I really believe that yoga can also make you a better cyclist.
True, it's tough, especially in the winter, to find the time to ride your bike AND fit in a one-hour yoga class, not to mention the $$ to pay for another activity, but folks, this one really benefits the entire body.
During a one-hour yoga class, muscle groups are put to the test of lengthening, building strength and stretching out--the exact contrary of what cycling does to them--often constricting them and holding them in a static position for long periods of time.
Another benefit is the breathing work. Yoga is all about breathing and focusing. Lung capacity is grown over time and peace and focus are not just biproducts, but are objectives.
It also benefits the mind and the way.
I go to LA Fitness in my neighborhood and am always amazed at how completely relaxed I feel afterwards.
So add yoga to your regimen of training--Leave me a comment about what YOUR favorite pose is...I love Happy Baby pose.
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